Help exporting a material from Substance Designer -> UE5

I am working on a procedural mossy brick wall material in Substance and I got it to a point I am very happy with:

I was planning to use tessellation and world offset to displace a plane into my brick material, but I learned that UE5 doesn’t like tessellation so instead I used the modeling tools to displace a plane and make an actual mesh out of my height data.

When I export all of the textures and make a UE5 material out of them, the normal maps look really off. The above image has no normals, and here is the wall with normals applied:

Its close, but some bricks dont ever seem to get light even though they should be getting it directly. I have setup the normal maps to have a “Normalmap” compression and they are read in as a normal in the material. Are my normal maps incorrect? I am new to material authoring and I am a bit stumped on how to make the UE5 version look closer to what I want (the Substance Rendered version). Here is my normal map:

Any thoughts or nudges in the right direction would be very appreciated.


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Yeah that normal looks anything but…

The normals have the bricks pointing in all kinds of weird directions - the top of the bricks should all be a light blue…

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The height map used to displace the geometry already has the information needed for normals, the normal map is just doubling that information, pushing the normals to the extreme.

Also your normal map is very intense, normally a flat fall of bricks would have similar direction facing bricks like +/-4 degrees, instead yours are facing like 20 degrees in different directions.

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open GL then u have to flip channel . go to texture and open it and search for flip and then enable it \