So I have to get the sound references from my character blueprint. So I realize a “cast to”, and I recover my variables. Then I apply a “fade out” on them, and it seems to work properly. But when I launch the game and this blueprint is called, the “cast to” is successful, the variables are read but I got an error in the console saying:
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Attempted to access AudioComponent_0 via property SonNiveau, but AudioComponent_0 is pending kill”. Blueprint: GameOverWidget Function: Execute Ubergraph Game Over Widget Graph: EventGraph Node: Fade Out
I’m having the same problem but in my case I imagine that is because I’m doing it in the wrong way.
It should spawn a sound at a moving object when I enter a trigger box and when I enter a second trigger box a new sound is spawned while the first one fades out. It starts working as I need it (but already showing the error) but after a few trigger boxes enter and reenter the sounds do not fade out anymore.
I think you need to put the references into variables or an array or something. Because the sounds aren’t getting properly faded, before a new version is played, and the original reference is lost at that point.
It would work if each area was a different blueprint. Trying to control it from the level BP will always land you in a world of pain.
If you make a BP ‘inspectable item’, which can be picked up, has a mesh etc yada yada, and plays a sound, which fades away as you walk off. Each of these things can be a child of that, and it all happens for you. You don’t have to do anything
yes that would be great to simple things up! But unfortunately they are not pickable itens, they are objects following paths at a distance, which you control stepping into trigger boxes.
All that is inside an actor BP. Couldnt I destroy the spawned sound in some way to fix this? And not sounding totally dry? I actually dont need to have much control on the fade out, just need to be a soft ending in some way…did that way because was the way I figure it out, I’m new on blueprints as you can tell hahaha
amazing, would never get to that by myself, really appreciate your help! Thanks!
Problaby I will have some problems implementing it but gonna make it work haha
Hey man I cant figure out a way to DM you so just replying to a forum thread. Is there any way you could send me the project file if you still have it from this thread. (Endless Runner: centering the player on a lane after turning a corner - #4 by ClockworkOcean) My discord is Twang#1142 . I am struggling with a similar issue to the guy who made the thread and want to understand how the blueprints work