(Help - DOF issue) Mesh close to the camera gets pixelated artifacts when out of focus with a low aperture. Is there a fix?

Hey, Hello, I tried the rendering settings from a Star Wars tutorial (https://youtu.be/htS5XBFm2w0?list=PLIn-yd4vnXbjWeYqU7epakdnVzoysMToy&t=638). But I have this blurry rendering with weird artifacts on the outlines. I’ve tried several rendering settings but nothing works… Does anyone have a solution?

This happens both in the viewpoint and after rendering . It’s as if the DOF doesn’t recalculate and run smoothly when the object is too close. I tried in multiple project, 5.4 and 5.3, 1080p/4K with and without AA.


Vidéo 1 : Watch Artefacts | Streamable
Vidéo 2 : Watch Timeline 3 | Streamable

My configuration :

Ryzen 5 5600
AMD 6600XT

hi, I have the same problem, did you find how to solve it?

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Did you find any fix

I realized that this video card simply cannot handle such a low aperture