Help creating simple UI menu triggered by a keybind with buttons to activate audio clips


I am creating a prop hunt creative map using UEFN and I need help setting up a custom sound effects UI menu that can be triggered by players using a keybind.

I have searched this website, youtube, google and even used ChatGPT, but nothing seems to solve my problem and I know it’s possible because I’ve played in prop hunt games with custom sound effects menus.

I’ve tried every combination of using the Input Trigger device, basic Trigger devices, the Audio Player device and the HUD device. I have also been using Verse to try and code a solution together, but there seems to be a disconnect between my devices.

I can create a physical button to play an audio clip, but I want players to be able to use their keybinds to play audio.

Please let me know if anyone has any ideas to make this happen.

Thank you

For anyone interested, I found out what the problem was.

You can’t assign a device to the input trigger through UEFN, you have to launch a session and make the connection through the Fortnite editor.

It’s really dumb that some functionality isn’t available in UEFN, I lost hours and days of time trying to find solutions to problems that didn’t exist.