Help Creating an Inventory


I have been following the Tutorial from the official docs on how to create a proper inventory system. I have seen the episodes and right now my inventory is really buggy and does not work like in the video. I am a beginner in Unreal. Before I go into details, does anyone want to help me? Also, does anyone know about another tutorial I could use that is more complete?

So the problem is that, while it does work to some degree, the “popup” text (floating text above the actor in-game) does not properly align with the actor it is supposed to float above. There is also unwanted behavior where when I pick something up and then click on an empty cell, the action menu opens for some reason. The worst part is that when I interact with the empty cell the actor disappears entirely.

I don’t know if this behavior is due to the difference in the engine but my end result was nowhere near the same as the one in the tutorial. Another thing is that my project is a point-and-click based on the top-down template. I wouldn’t know wether or not that is relevant to the problems I’m having.

Thanks in advance.


You may of seen theses

Thank you very much! I will check them out.