Let me describe the process first,First I shot a real background video, and then I used Fusion's cameraTracker to solve for a camera animation ,and then I added a cube to Fusion and tested that it matched well, I then exported the camera animation in FBX format。
Next, I go to UE5 and import the FBX in Sequence. Ue5 helped me create a camera and set the keyframes automatically. Then I import the cube that I created in Fusion. When I used the Composure plug-in's Media_plate to add a background sequence frame (I omitted the Composure adding process here), something strange happened. When the sequence was playing, the foreground cube and the background were slightly mismatched, similar to jitter. A slight deviation in displacement, a small number of frames will appear.
What's even weirder is that when I render the cube sequence frame from UE5 and then transfer it back to Fusion for synthesis, the cube and the background video match perfectly, so I guess the motion mismatch in UE5 is the MEDIa_plate background playback problem, I guess there is no problem with the camera motion key frame, is that right? How do we solve this?
Maybe you should check the Animation Compression settings of camera animation in UE.
Could you be more specific? I tried several of the project Settings to no avail
I did a lot of careful comparisons,The problem was in the rendering of the background (media_plate). The background I put is an EXR sequence frame, which is generated by the media texture of UE5 video player. However, when I rendered the background video separately, I found that it was different from the sequence frame I imported… why?