[Help] Change the pathway of Class via a String


I’m looking for a way to covert a string into the pathway information of a Class. See attached. Now I know I can’t just drag the string to the Class node, but this is what I’m ultimately trying to do.

I want change the Blueprintgeneratedclass class to a different path linking it to another item.



What is your end result? Are you trying to make it so you can spawn whatever you feel like spawning into a supply crate via a typed command?

Yes, I wan’t to offer external mod support. I want to make an array of pathways to their itemlootsets and dynamically change them via my itemcrate blueprint.

From what i gathered you unfortunately can’t convert a string to a path in blueprint.

How unfortunate! Thanks for the info gents! Let me know if this changes. I would love to give my mod external mod support :slight_smile: