Help! Cannot find where bug is coming from

I am using both c++ and Blueprint for my project and getting warnings in log…

[2017.08.28-22.20.25:850][438]LogNetPackageMap:Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: Wall_17618, ObjOuter: /Game/Castle.Castle:PersistentLevel
[2017.08.28-22.20.25:850][438]LogNetPackageMap:Warning: UPackageMapClient::InternalLoadObject: Unable to resolve default guid from client: PathName: CubeVisualComponent, ObjOuter: NULL
[2017.08.28-22.20.26:248][451]LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object None.None’

I am pretty sure these warnings are also causing the Server to lockup because when I check the log (after the server locks up) its shows a partial line of one of these warnings before it just stops writing anything into the log… and the server just locks up and requires an end task for the server.

From the log warning it looks like something with the wall.cpp actor… and if I omit the “cubevisualcomponent->setstaticmesh(newmesh)” in the wall.cpp on the client it won’t do the warning and wont crash.

So my first instinct was to loop through all the “wall” actors before and after I did anything with them (destroy, setstaticmesh, etc.), just to check to make sure they are all valid, etc…

I tried iterating through all the “wall” actors before and after I delete or change mesh with a “isvalidlowlevel()=false” to try to catch something… but never comes back with a “false” (or invalid)

Just trying to detect this error before it can log it, and possibly destroy the actor? (or do something before it becomes an issue)

I even looped through all staticmesh actors and even looped through all “actors” to check for anything invalid. but nothing come back as invalid… so not sure how to catch the “Unable to resolve default guid from client:” warning.

Question: Can I loop through all the “wall” actors and check for an invalid “guid” or something?

If so… where in my c++ or blueprints should I check.


Does anyone have any suggestions or tips for finding bugs like this… (no crash with error message - just simply locks up)?

And when looking at the log… last line in log stops halfway through writing a warning message.
