[Help] Broken blueprint crashes UE4 Editor (GameInstance is null)

Hi everyone,
I’m having an issue with a HealthBar widget I created in blueprints.
I have the default Paper2D character blueprint in the game, and the HeathBar widget is just a progress bar with a data binding for the percentage (getting it from the code from

    UPROPERTY(Replicated,EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category = "Character Attributes", meta=(ClampMin="0"))
    int32 MaximumHealth;

    UPROPERTY(Replicated,EditAnywhere,BlueprintReadOnly,Category = "Character Attributes", meta=(ClampMin="0"))
    int32 Health;

I added a WidgetComponent to the character blueprint, and I create a Widget of type “HealthBar” in the construction script and assign it to the WidgetComponent.

Now the character blueprint crashes when it’s opened. When the widget is created (created for the designer view, I’m guessing) some thread is calling GetOwnerPlayer of the HealthBar widget. There it crashes the editor because there is a


If anyone has any idea wtf is going on help is very much appreciated =D

I have attached the call stack and the assert.

As far as i know you cant get an Gameinstance unless your running a game so a crash when your trying to open it would be the normal result.

Hi, I know it’s been a while but thank you for the help! = D
This means I just need to remove this assert so it doesn’t crash (hopefully = D)