[HELP] Best way to do locational damage?

I’d like to set up locational damage on enemies within a shooting game but not sure of the best way to make bodies.

I was thinking of adding Box Triggers over each main part of the body (head, neck, torso, upper arms, lower arms, hands, feet, upper legs, lower legs) within the Blueprint.

However, I was wondering if there’s an easier way to do this as part of the skeleton, such as seeing which bone the impact point is closed to?

Which way is better, or are there any other ways of handling this?

I think if you add Radial Force to your projectile BP, you can set it to do damage to everyone it hits. And then you can adjust the radius of the Radial force as you like.

I just realised thats not what u asked lol. Yeah seperate collision capsules or whatever would be the way to go imo.

If you have a physics asset on your enemy skeletons (used for ragdolls), when you do collisions with the mesh (or traces) the hit struct will contain a Bone Name which indicates which bone was hit.

Perfect, thank you RS.