[HELP] Anyone else using LHutz Inventory/Item/HUD Blueprint System?

Firstly, LHutz, great job :slight_smile: Money well spent to save me/us time! Awesome starting point.
Just wondering who else out there is using it, as well as if you’ve got the same questions as me :slight_smile:

I’m trying do the next few following things
-Add in an AI that detects player and engages player in combat (CHECK! without combat…)
-Add in Melee Attacks and Damage taken/given (network replication later…)
-Party system for co-op
-Add NPC dialog and eventually Quests

One of the big things I’m not sure how to proceed on is Melee Damage within this system…
What’s the best way to handle it? Putting a mesh for collision on the actually sword item? Or??
Also, for the life of me… I can’t create a new weapon…
I duplicated an existing weapon, changed the static mesh to a katana I imported, changed names, item rarity and a new description…
I see the model in the game… I see the info when hovering over item… when I equip it, it’s the regular Demo sword again…

Anyone else have questions? Post them here and let’s solve them together!

Bump for added video

I solved my item problem by deleting everything related to Katana and starting over… 3 times…
3rd times the charm!
There are 3 file locations Equipment_“item name” and Item_“item name” and then a 3rd.
These all need to have their proper names and each has to have the proper static mesh assigned.
Pretty sure I didn’t have the item/equipment files named correctly…