Help! After the end of the walking animation character is dragged back. How to fix it?

I recorded a video to show you exactly the problem that I have.

I also had this issue but it was a while ago so someone might be able to provide more help. If I remember correctly in the animation sequence there is an option called “Enable Root Motion” just tick that and you’re set.

Seems your animation is from mixamo, isn’t it? try to reload it as “in place”. Then your settings will work fine.

Yep, it’s from Mixamo! I couldn’t find any other source no matter how much I’ve searched. Thanks for the tip. It works fine now, but I still kinda feel he floats around instead of actually walking :slight_smile:

Try to set up a “Blend Space” with different mixamo animation. This will smooth up your charaters movement.
I think you speeded up the animation in Maxamo aswell. Just speed it up with Unreal or the Blend Space itself to make sure the speed is realative to the animation.
If you have height problems, look for “Translation Retargeting” or just put the Charater down to the floor by moving his whole mesh a bit down.

root motion does not work in any case. For example I had a rolling animation which looks kinda funny with root motion.

te4zer you’re right. Blending the moves a little better fixed it. My current problem is jumping. Searching in the Mixamo library I only found a one-animation jump (not a start-loop-finish) and now when I press space he jumps being in idle position and, while in air, he then goes into the jumping animation. Have got any idea why that’s happening?

Yeah root motion didn’t work for me either. He kinda turn my character to the right in some sort of curve…

You need to cut that animation in the Animation Tab in Unreal so that he starts in air. That will fit your action. Mixamo animations are kinda slow, just left click in that timeline below jump animation when loaded, where you think it should start, then right click "Remove from 0 to frame x"

Thanks a lot te4zer. It works great now!

I had the same issue with walking animation. The below step helped me with this glitch.
Animation tab - > Motion - > .
“et voila”

I had the same issue with walking animation. The below step helped me with this glitch.
Animation tab - > Motion - > Root Transform.
“et voila”