Help: Actor spawned form Blueprint


I have an actor blueprint (let’s call it BP_A), which spawns a number of other blueprint actors in a loop (BP_01 to BP_05) and set the world position. Each of the newly spowned actors contains a static mesh and an arrow component.

My problem is, that I want to place the following BP_0n+1 actor a the position of the arrow component of the last one. But I can’t get the position for the arrow in my BP_A, where at the moment I perform the translation.

Summary: Get position of the arrow in BP_01 to BP_A.

So does somebody have an clever idea, how I can do this.

Thanks for your help. :slight_smile:

This may not be exactly what you are after, but I did something like this to create procedural bamboo. I ended up using sockets so that it was really easy for the next actor to find the correct location. Here’s a screenshot with the relevant nodes highlighted. Basically you loop and create or spawn your actors and store the Last created actor as a variable (you set that at the end of the graph) Then use the attach to node and the socket you’ve set up on the blueprint instance to instantly snap your next spawned actor in place. I guess the tricky part here is that an arrow component isn’t a static mesh you can put a socket on, so this may not work for you if you have to use arrows.

Thanks, but I already created my idea with static meshes and sockets. But I decided to switch to actors, so that I have more freedom what the different parts can do.

Problem solvt


funny today was an update (to 4.8.2-2614606+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.8) and now it simply works.
(with the same way I tried yesterday)

I hope that it will stay like is. :slight_smile:

Here is how I did it (for the people who have the same problem :wink: )