HELP!! Accidentally deleted character movement component

I did something by mistake and now my character movement component is gone and when I go into it there is nothing in the details section. how can I add it back?

What class is your blueprint?

If it is a character blueprint, the character movement component is inherited so you wouldn’t be able to delete it from the blueprint… so that’s weird if that is what it is.

As long as you project isn’t too big or you have too many references to the class, it might be quicker just to create a new character blueprint and copy over the code/variables/values, etc. to replace it.

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ok i created another blueprint. but when the game starts it starts with the old character blueprint.

You’ll need to make sure the default pawn class is set to take the new blueprint class you created. Not sure if you’ve created a custom game mode, but you can set these in the world settings.

Here’s an image for reference.


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