Help a newbie submitting to marketplace

Hi All, I’m submitting my first submissions to market place, and I don’t quite understand this rejection:

Product is not a code plugin. The Marketplace does not accept content only plugins at this time. If you would like to rework your project to only use blueprints in an Unreal project, or turn it into a code plugin, please resubmit through your seller portal at that time and we will be glad to review it.

The plug in is blueprint only – so does that mean i need to create a demo project that the plug in works in and use that to distribute? is that is what is meant by “rework your project to only use blueprints in an UE prj” ?

Also – does that then mean i cannot offer it for free?

any guidance is appreciated!

Hi SIRTJames,

Yes - if you don’t want to convert it to a c++ plugin you’ll need to submit as “Blueprint” and it will need a project, and a price.

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