Hello when I reimport a same 3d file (Sketchup) into Twinmotion’s existing file I loose all the plants and tress etc i have set before. Is there any other way where we could reimport without affecting the previously done work in Twinmotion.
Hi Auppott and thank you for posting in our community.
Can you please tell me which method you are using to import your Sketchup file inside Twinmotion?
Are importing geometry as :.skp/.fbx/.datasmith or the dtasmith Direct link ?
Depending on the method different behavior has to be expected.
Having said that, if you are using the . Datasmith either with file import geometry or direct link.
Using re-sync should not affect the state of your scene inside Twinmotion.
If this isn’t the case please use the contact us button to report a bug to the support team.
Thank you