Hello to Unreal creators! (SNHU Introduction)

Hello! I’m currently taking a game development class at SNHU that uses UE4 and I’m really excited to learn about development in general, and especially with Unreal! I know nothing about game development and the process and am excited about learning. One of my activities for my class directed me here to introduce myself and say hello, so hi! :slight_smile: I love video games and I think it’s going to be really cool to learn more about the process, even if I’m a computer science major!
(I used the same category as another post like this one that I saw-sorry if that’s not correct! I’m not too fluent on creating forum posts, usually just reading and commenting!)

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As soon as you finish your course, I STRONGLY suggest you move to Unreal 5, assuming you want to continue in programming. I imagine your professor is on Unreal 4 for one or a few of three reasons:

  1. They don’t want to learn all the added nuances of Unreal 5.
  2. They’re not a developer, so, at the moment, being up to date is unnecessary.
  3. Unreal 4 is less demanding for devices.

That said, get used to the Forums, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

There are a few malignant personalities here, but you’ll find these people everywhere (no excuse to be that way, though).

Good luck and welcome!