Hello Please Help Me

I’m trying to package a DLC for android
what i have done is:
1-create Third Person project.
2-open Project Launcher.
3-Minimal Android APK + DLC.
4-Choose Android Multi.
5-Package project using Project Launcher.
6-package DLC.
7-upload Manifest and Chunk files to MediaFire.
8-copy the direct link to download for Manifest link and put it in Manifest URL.
9-copy the direct link to download for Chunk link and put it in Cloud URL.
10-Install Location: Content/Updates
11-run game and click button to Request Content and i see:
Download Success, Install Success, Mounting failed.
and in the log
everything normal except this red words: LogBuildPatchServices: EBuildPatchInstallError::ApplicationClosing SD01

Heeeelp Me i’m trying to fix this problem 2 weeks ago and nothing newwww.

I fixed this problem by myself, Thanks all

to create DLC without use project launcher, you need to enable Allow ChunkID Assignments in Editor Preferences
then make a plugin and call it anything you want and make it “Can contain contents”
and then any content you want it to be downloadable you should put it in the plugin folder and assign it to chunk
(right click on the content you want and go to asset action then select assign to chunk, everything in the map have default chunk = 0 , any content you want it to be downloadable should have chunk > 0, you can assign more than one content to same ID.)
and then go to Project Settings then packaging and enable Generate Chunks and Build HTTP chunk install data and give it a direction(i like desktop)
and download the content using the Request Content function and mount them and congratzzzzz :D.
we have another problem that we can download any chunk we want but we can only mount and use 1 why this happened?
i have simple cube and sphere with chunk 1 ID in the scene and they have materials have 2 chunk ID, when i download the cube and sphere and mount them and open the level i can see them
when i download the materials and open the level i can see the cube and the sphere but the materials still not mounted…

i forget something, use local server to test your downloads
don’t upload them in any cloud websites

to use local server you should download node.js

and then install it and open node.js command prompt and user this command :
npm install http-server -g

and when you want to host server open node.js command prompt and use this command:
http-server “Direction” , example for host server for folder called TestFolder on desktop :
http-server “C:\Users\User\Desktop\TestFolder”

and open any browser and copy the 192.168.XX:XXXX:XXXX from node.js command and past it in browser and if you want to download and thing on this page right click on it and press Copy Link Address and past the link on request content function in UE4,

after you done from your works don’t forget to stop the server by pressing Ctrl C

i have a project example if want it for free just email me on :

Hi i want to ask can we perform the dlc +apk download files from local storage or persistent path without providing Manifest URL and cloud url ?