So let’s go, I’m a beginner in blueprint programming but I’m slowly understanding how it works.
As you can see in the video above, I already have a working inventory logic that when dragging weapons to the white slots on the right, the weapon is added to a socket related to the character’s back.
That said, I need to make it so that when pressing 1,2,3 or 4 the character equips the weapon in his hand, so I can progress with animations and shooting system.
I tried to reproduce the SpawnItemAndAttach function but it didn’t work.
based on what i can see you dont need to spawn it since its already spawned, you’re just changing the attachment.
the EquipAR could be made generic, say equip from slot which takes in slot (BPBaseEquipment) which just changes the attachment, you’ll also need an unequip to attach from hand back to slot i think
Dude it really worked, it was something so simple, but that’s how you learn hahaha, now I’m going to make the system to unequip to attach from hand back to slot
Thank you very much