I’m making a vehicle for a character, and I don’t transfer control to the vehicle, so I keep control of the character and the vehicle just reads the player’s inputs. I want the player’s camera to expand in the same way as the vehicle when turning the vehicle so that the player looks in front, but at the same time I need to leave the ability to rotate the player’s camera. That is, if I turn the player’s camera to the left and at the same time turn the vehicle to the left, then the camera will always look to the left.
Actually I did this without any problems. But the problem is that when I switch the camera rotation calculations in the camera component, I get the wrong starting point.
when I turned the camera over everything works. But the starting rotation is wrong, he should look in front and not to the side.
maybe I need to somehow set the desired position after changing the calculation, but how to do it without jerks