Hello; I have a certain workflow that I wish to use when making a blueprints but, I am not sure how to go about it.
An example of this workflow would be, if I decide to make a Player blueprint with basic movement. The movement system will be in a separate blueprint named Player Movement.
Another example is if I make a heath system for the player or an enemy. The health system will be in a separate blueprint and the same goes for the damage system.
In short, for every system such as Heath, Movement, Pick Ups, Inventory, or anything else that you can come up with, I wish to make a separate blueprint just for that system.
There are 3 reasons for this-
I wish to keep the clutter in the blueprint to a bare minimum.
I want to be able to reuse the system without needing to change everything in it.
I want it easy to edit and find any given system without entering a blueprint.