hello, i am a beginner and i am making a 2d game

i want to make my 2d character to spawn at the last checkpoint .for e.g. i had created a level where if you want to go to the bonus level you have to get the key and after going inside the bonus level if the player clear the level or die in the level then i want that the player spawn in its last check point or the place where the door/chest is placed .

i had tried to use save and load but it is not working is there any tutorials which can help me . if there is then please give me the link.


Hello @AiBoleche let me share a few videos I found on the matter hopefully those will point you in the right direction.

  • Checkpoint Respawn video this video deals with creation a checkpoint respawn system in Unreal Engine 5. It is for 3d projects but the basis of the blueprints should still work for what you are looking for.
  • Checkpoint System 2D this video is for a checkpoint system on a 2d style game, although it is for Unreal Engine 4 so some options may be deprecated or on a different location.

I hope those help and best of luck with your game!

You can achieve this by storing the last checkpoint position and respawning the player at that location when they die or complete the bonus level. If saving and loading are not working, you might need to check how you store the checkpoint data.