hello everybody. when i go into the editor playing mode, it just puts me into some strange spectator mode and dosent let me control my character. how do i fix it? thank you.
Hey @AdiDaub! Welcome to the forums!
Did you possibly change the game mode? Are you using a custom character? Any additional information will help, there really isn’t enough to go on here to be able to assist you quite yet!
Let us know some more and get back to us!
hello. thanks for the reply. i dont think im using anything custom or changed the game mode, but there is some error after i launch editor play mode. might that be it? thanks
Yes, that could have something to do with it!
Let us know what the error is and maybe we can do something with that.
thank you very much. the error is: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Wave Spawner BP”. Node: Keys Graph: Get_WaveText_Text Function: Get Wave Text Text Blueprint: WB_HUD. and it repeats it like 50 times.
Ah! So what is happening is you are trying to GET “WaveSpawner_BP” But the reference is not set correctly in the code. It says it is in:
The blueprint WB_HUD.
In the function “Get_Wave_Text_Text”
Any of the parts of the error with a magnifying glass can be clicked to go to the code where it’s occuring!
There will be a wave spawner BP variable. That needs to get set to something, whether you set a default in the editor or set it during game time.
That’s as much as I can tell you without screenshots.
Hey @AdiDaub! Sorry for the late response.
This is going to be located somewhere on your Graph.
Like I said, it will be in the function “Get_Wave_Text_Text”. Look for that!