Hello epic games, I want to unban my fortnite

Hello Epic Games, I haven’t played fortnite in a while, I noticed that my fortnite has been banned, as far as I know, the last time I played, the network was not stable and the latency and packet loss were up and down , so I I decided to play again after a few days. I did not do anything suspicious or cheat to damage the game environment. I also know that anti-cheating may have banned me (maybe some kind of software in my computer), but I have never done anything a fortnite. I did not do something illegal or modified the game to cheat at fortnite. I hope you will investigate my account (anti-cheating is not 100% correct). I did not open any software or programs when I played Fortnite. I think my account There are no violations, I have played this game for six years and over 4000+ hours, I think this punishment is too much for me, I believe if you check my account you will find there are no Violations, please help me。

name: [REDACTED]

My initial email is:[REDACTED]

Register name:[REDACTED]


Hi there,

It looks like the issue you’re describing is about utilizing the Epic Game Store as a player. Unfortunately, this forum is to assist developers and publishers and is not equipped to be able to assist you and you will need to reach out to player support.

Please check out the player support website here: Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

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Thank you very much, dear sir/ma’am. I know my words are worthless. Thousands of people may have said this, but I started playing this game in 2017, when I was seventeen years old. This game has accompanied me in my growth. , my feelings for this game are more than just the game, I treat him like my best friend, this is very important to me, I have been dreaming for a week that I was banned, the psychological damage I received Huge, I just want to play games. . . .