Helicopter Rotor Animation?

Hi ya’ll! I need a bit of help with the rotors on my helicopter (Specifically the animation). I want the rotors to spin, I have pretty much everything but the animation. This is my first game and I’m a complete newbie with animation (So try not to use too many advanced terms), however this doesn’t stop or worry me. Any help would be appreciated - Adin :slight_smile:

You can animate it in your 3D sofware and export the rotor, add a socket in UE to your helibody and attach the rotor there. Then generate an event for playing rotoanimation. Set collision to “palm thing”.
You can use matinee for that too. A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

Thank you Luftbauch! I’ll let you know how it turns out! :slight_smile: