Heightmaps from GAEA not importing properly?

Having a hell of a time importing a map from GAEA to Unreal 5.0.

I need an adult X_X

I am trying to use GAEA (ver community edition) to create a heightmap for my landscape. However, no matter what I do I get an error when attempting to import. It seems the issue is specifically in these 3 portions of the map:


These files are auto-generated when building the map, so why are they causing this issue? It’s not like I can edit them separately.

Can anyone PLEASE help me to fix this? I’ve tried using World Machine but it isn’t as intuitive as Gaea. I am pretty desperate to get an answer on this and so far it’s been months of research and NOTHING.

Thank you in advance.

The folders might be too nested due to a character limit. Try putting the files in one of the first folders on the drive.

Can you provide information (screenshot) how do you build the landscape in Gaea? What are your settings?

AH _ I forgot to mark this as resolved. I found a trick within Gaea. Make your build then end it with an FX node. Mark that node for export and it seems to import fine. :slight_smile:

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