As you can see from the image, the land area has sunk below the edge of the data and is just a mass of spikes. I’ve also tried exporting the data as RAW but that is distorted in another way (a mass of raised lines (like bumps) across the whole image).
Sadly, this is expected with how you obtained the file. Generally they are fairly low res. They are also very pixelated and jittery. That “jitter” is what you are seeing in 3D.
Using the smoothing tool will make it worse, then, better.
The only way i found to resolve was to bring into Photoshop (or GIMP) and use the smoothing tool to help with that. Blends and makes a higher res but you lose details.
Hi again. I’ve managed to fix this issue by exporting as a Geotiff and then opening it in VTBuilder and saving it as a 16 bit greyscale PNG (World Builder only had 8 bit or 24 bit). Seems to be working!