Heavy Customisation options and organisation. Stumped.

Hey there,

Its been a few weeks since ive hit my last roadblock but this has me stumped.

Example I have a charecter that is modifiable. think gta SA.
Im trying to keep it somewhat simple atm. So I have weight and arm size as variables.

Its a 2D menu game with 2D textures that change depending on those variables.

So Lets keep it simple to start with.

You have a Tshirt on. The T-shirt is choosable so now you have 10 choices of Tshirt.

Now each Tshirt has to change shape depnding on your weight, thers 6 levels of weight.

So now you have 10 Tshirts, changing shape (Texture 2d image) based on 6 levels of weight.

Once it knows which weight of shirt to apply it then passes through armsize which tells it which arm shape to give, theres 15 levels of arm shape.

So you have a choice of 10 tshirts that gets passed through a weight check, an armsize check and the applies the image based on those.

Its been about 2 weeks of thought bubbles and planning.
Its just laying out enums, structures and data tables in the correct order I think but by golly have I come up empty.

This is another idea, Of running through 2 passes to pick but Not sure how youd choose clothing around this unless you did it for every piece.

Bit of a brain puzzler if anyones up for a rough one.

Thanks for reading.

How about define a naming convention and use something like this

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Lol I understand one of out all those nodes.

Right I got some youtubing to do on async Loading :laughing:

Thank you for some leads.

Sync or Async doesn’t matter, the point here is loading asset from string so you can concatenate parts and resolve dynamically, provided you follow specific naming convention (which you define yourself) for those assets.


I had to reread this a bunch of times plus the image.

Ok This makes alot of sense. So essentially Im literally loading an image based on its file name. using variables entering.

Thats actually really genius, I have to absolutly rethink my approach and file naming convention, but this would actually cut down alot.

As you literally wouldnt have anything from what Ive worked on :laughing: :laughing:

God dam thinking about it, Ive absolutly been up the wrong tree for a while with this.

Thanks for your help. This makes alot of sense.

Curious, The system functions fine but the cast fails.

Not entirely certain whats going on. Any ideas?


Ok it works now but I have to double my final format part of the text for some reason.


Instead of just 1, It needs a Dot inbetween it. I wonder why my reference appears like that.

Shows as 1_0.1_0 Instead of just 1.0