Heart of Stone - Unreal 4 Cinematic!

I made this a couple months ago, and it took me a few weeks to make. Tell me what you guys think!

I really like the music and I do wanna like the mood, but in all brutal honesty…the direction of the camera is aweful and destroys everything. Take more time for the shots and more time for some black in between. right now it almost feels like the cam movent is from some automatic script cause it doesnt make sense in relation to either the music nor what is shown.

Cheers! :slight_smile:

Wow, super cool! I agree that cameras could be improved with different timing and not letting them fully stop their translation/rotation before you cut away (end of the animation seems to be the end of each Matinee track, ya know?).

But I love the environment and abstract ambiance. And the floating rocks of course.

Hi Lime517,

Nice work, like the music and the “mood” as Daedulus51 says.

I don’t think the camera work or the editing are terrible, but I do think if you tighten it up a bit more it’ll make the short even better than it already is :slight_smile:

Ya’ll give some great advice - I’ll definitely be taking it into account in my next project. Thanks for the kind words :slight_smile: