I’ve looked into it bit and it seems the hearing sense is using the team identifier to decide if an actor should be skipped or not, rather than using GetTeamAttitudeTowards.
The hearing sense is calling the ShouldSenseTeam() method with team identifiers, which simply checks their values, rather than passing an agent in which case it would also call GetTeamAttitudeTowards (if not null).
AISense calling ShouldSenseTeam with identifier:
https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/4.18.0-preview-4/Engine/Source/Runtime/AIModule/Private/Perception/AISense_Hearing.cpp#L148 -
ShouldSenseTeam with the TeamIdentifiers version:
You can see right below the ShouldSenseTeam that is called is the one that uses the agent interface and the actor, it’s just not called.