Health Widget not Updating

Tried looking for my specific issue but can’t seem to find it. Losing my mind here! So I have a health bar set up for my character, bound the bar to change upon Health variable is changed as shown in many different tutorials (And I just know how to do this in general)

Have a damage system set up, and set up a ‘event any damage’ to remove damage from health. That all WORKS. I have a debug set up so I can check what my health is at. No problems here.

But the problem comes in when I am updating the widget. Now if I manually change my health variable to below 100, it updates no problem. But when the Any Damage event changes the health variable, the widget does not update.

On event damage you are most likely updating the variable in the blueprint, not in the widget BP.
But you are updating the widget BP variable when you create the widget.

After setting health on the evnt damage, get your widget ref (Health ref) and set its “health bar” variable, like you have done when creating the widget

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Oh my god I didn’t even think about that possibility of a problem. Thank you so much!