Hi, i am facing an issue with my character where even though the save game to slot works for coin/score it doesn’t work for health whetever i get dmg and lose a heart or increase my max health it just changes back to 3 health whenever i change levels.
Without even looking, I will tell you that you’ll need a GAME INSTANCE.
It’s a UNIVERSAL blueprint that is persistent throughout levels.
(It’s more of a container than an actual blueprint.)
To be honest i tried but i might have done something wrong because i still had the same issue
It’s VERY easy to mess up. I agree. But you’ll get the hang of it.
from what i can see your saving the game but your not setting the health variable in the save game object
Yeah thats what i thought as well but couldnt really figure out or find a tutorial on how to do it?
If you know how to do it can you guide me through it a little?
Your anydamage function is updating the variable, but you are not setting the value in the save game object before saving it.
Also, i don’t see any reason in your last post why you are re-saving the game immediately after loading it…
on your damage get your asplayersave ref and set the health in it then save the object
Thank you guys both i fixed it finally!
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