Health Bar of Breakable Items

Dear Community,

I am trying to implement a Widget for my HUD.

When the Player is looking at (linetrace) a breakable object (actor), an icon should appear to indicate that its breakable. That part is completed.

It should also display the target actor’s Health in a progress bar. (GOAL)

The Widget is created in the PC blueprint, and the hide and appear function is also in the player BP.

I wanted to bind the health of the actor viewed to the percentage of the progress bar .

Attached an example from an old classic.

The actor is already set up with a health variable. The actor has it’s own class interface (destructable). The icon appears when linetrace hits a destructable actor from a short distance. Can it be managed to grab the linetraced actor’s health variable for the hud?

Do I have to bind it? (I tried binding the Percentage of the progress bar to the actors themselves, but no matter what i tried, it always displayed the first actor’s values only.)

How can I go about this? Thank you in advance.


It’s solved. Forgot to use Interfaces.

Tick event fires line trace which Targets Destructibles Interface Message

Destructible event in actor firest a process which updates a Float Variable in the player Blueprint with the actor health, which is then bound to the percentage in the widget.

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