Heal inside a volumen

I have been trying to do a volumen where storm doesnt affect but i cant. So now i am trying to make a volumen where players get instant heal to “simulate” been not affected by the storm but my verse code doesnt work. Anyone could help? Show me the correct code o maybe give me another idea or link to YouTube. THANKS!!

CuracionPorSegundo := 10.0

CuracionVolumen1 := VolumenEspacial{
Ubicacion := vector3{X := 1000.0, Y := 1500.0, Z := 300.0},
Tamano := vector3{X := 500.0, Y := 500.0, Z := 200.0}

CuracionVolumen2 := VolumenEspacial{
Ubicacion := vector3{X := 2000.0, Y := 2500.0, Z := 300.0},
Tamano := vector3{X := 400.0, Y := 400.0, Z := 200.0}

CurarJugadorEnVolumen := {player : AgenteJugador, volumen : VolumenEspacial =>
if (player.IsInVolume(volumen)) {
loop {
if (not player.IsInVolume(volumen)) {

CuracionVolumen1.OnPlayerEnter(player : AgenteJugador) := {
CurarJugadorEnVolumen(player, CuracionVolumen1)

CuracionVolumen2.OnPlayerEnter(player : AgenteJugador) := {
CurarJugadorEnVolumen(player, CuracionVolumen2)

Hello, I don’t want to sound bad but the code is not made in Verse (UEFN’s Language) and seems to just be making functions on the spot I would recommend not using AI software and just reading the documentation found Programming with Verse | Unreal Editor for Fortnite Documentation | Epic Developer Community to learn to use Verse, also on the top right you should be able to pick between different localized versions of the pages if it helps