Hi. There is no TSoftObjectPtr class in the engine at all. Are you trying to get a TWeakObjectPtr<>? It declared here: UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\UObject\WeakObjectPtrTemplates.h and can be included with Core.h, CoreMinimal.h and many other headers.
I guess it’s just a misprint there. There is no any “TSoftObjectPtr” text in search results on whole engine sources
Maybe there was used FStringAssetReference - textual reference to the asset which can be resolved and loaded later. You can find it here: UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\Misc\StringAssetReference.h
The most similar template I have found is a TAssetPtr - it lives in UE_4.17\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\AssetPtr.h (can be included as “UObject\AssetPtr.h”)
I’ve been Googling for a while and found nothing. Could someone point me to the direction?
Weird there isn’t even an API page on it.
But I saw it brought up in the following documentation pages, are they outdated, or is the functionality replaced by another class?
You are right, it seems TWeakObjectPtr is the class I’m looking for. Thanks
TSoftObjectPtr is not a misprint. It was added in 4.18 and I believe since the finial release is near they have updated the documentation. I built 4.18 brnach an hour ago and it resides inside UObject/SoftObjectPtr.h.