HDRI Backdrop doesn't work in packaged build.

I’m trying to package my project using the HDRI Backdrop plugin but it looks like the texture fails to load in the packaged build.

The problem is: it doesn’t have any error or warning in the log and the image file is actually where it should be in the packaged build directory.

I also tried to use the Epic_Courtyard_Daylight texture, but got the same result.

Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Hey there @Portine! Are there any abnormalities in the build log?

I have exactly the same issue. Let me know please if you found any way to resolve it.
Everything works but when I package it I get the same grey texture as you do.


There aren’t any (that I noticed, at least), nothing about the backdrop or as if a texture failed to load, nothing at all.

Upon testing it seems that even in Debug builds it’s failing, so definitely a bug. I couldn’t identify an issue on the ticket site for it specifically, so we’ll need to get a bug report through.

Also @mpeniak Welcome back to the community!

I’m having the exact same issue. Works perfectly fine in editor but when packaging there’s no texture, only a grey dome.
As a workaround I’m using the BP_LightStudio from the Starter Content as a backdrop HDRI.
This way it’s working on a packaged build. But the sky is not showing in the reflections, so not the best way.

Please let me know if someone has found a way to solve it.


Yup same issue here in 5.3.2, has a bug report been filed yet?

I didn’t, you’re welcome to do it.


Submitted now.

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I got the same issue. Hope they fix it soon!

Still have not fixed!

Hi all, I had the same issue.

I changed the HDRIBackdrop > Geometry > Static Mesh from the dome to the ‘EditorSkyMesh’ using the drop down in the details panel.

This seems to have fixed it for me and now shows up when packaged.


Hey there @RockyB! Welcome to the community! This fix implies that the issue could be related to the mesh itself, which is interesting! Thanks for the possible workaround in the meantime.

Forcing a CreateMaterial at BeginPlay seems to solve the issue too.


Could you please be so kind and tell me what nodes you selected: HDRIBackdrop. Were did the HDRIBackdrop from Persistent level node came from? It it custom created or from the general list? Thank you.

Where do you find the EditorSkyMesh in the Engine folder? I can’t seem to locate one in my 5.3.2 build.

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I’m just a beginner with UE5 and Blueprints but I think I found the problem. In the CreateMaterial function of the HDRIBackdrop blueprint, the two dynamic instance materials for the floor and sky are created with the same name HDRI_MID so I just changed them to HDRI_FLOOR and HDRI_SKY and it seems to have fixed the problem. I noticed that before the fix, the HDRIBackdrop Geometry component in my scene had the name HDRI_MID for the floor material and MaterialInstanceDynamic_413 for the sky so maybe this auto generated name caused an issue during packing.


This one worked for me I am using unreal 5.3. Thanks buddy.


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