I’m working on a lockstep networked movement system, after implementing arbitrary gravity direction I thought it might be a nice, quick improvement to add in angular velocity and acceleration. Make things ‘stand up’ against gravity (defined as a unit vector direction) at a rate I can control with properties per rotation axis. I’m not proud to say I’ve been tearing my hair out for days trying to make this work.
What I have is a rotator of degrees for the current angular velocity of an agent, and another for the angular acceleration. I put in a simple braking behaviour that reduces angular velocity above angular acceleration towards 0 by the acceleration, per axis, this appears to work. The next 2 parts are defeating me.
If the angular velocity is low enough that the angular acceleration can stop it in 1 frame it has to find the delta between the current and desired rotation and set velocity on that axis to the delta angle or angular acceleration, whichever is lower. I am finding it impossible to reliably get Euler angles back out of my transform once pitch hits 90 or -90.
Next I need to take the angular velocities per axis and make the thing rotate that much for that frame on each of those axis. No matter how I do this I can’t seem to get it to rotate where I want it to.
Below is the part of the mass processor that is handling the setting of angular velocities. It basically worked for gravity pointing straight down, but not up.
//once gimbal lock kicks in this goes wild
FRotator rot = velocities[i].CurrentTransform.GetRotation().Rotator();
FRotator desiredrot = FRotator(gravangle.Pitch, lookinputs[i].Input.Yaw, gravangle.Yaw);
FRotator angularvelocity = velocities[i].AngularVelocity;
FRotator angularacceleration = movecoreparams[i].AngularAcceleration;
double testpitch = FMath::Abs(angularvelocity.Pitch) - FMath::Abs(angularacceleration.Pitch);
double testyaw = FMath::Abs(angularvelocity.Yaw) - FMath::Abs(angularacceleration.Yaw);
double testroll = FMath::Abs(angularvelocity.Roll) - FMath::Abs(angularacceleration.Roll);
//if less than or equal 0 (we can stop our current angular velocity) we apply it to get a new one towards goal
//if greater than 0 we apply our angular acceleration to current velocity towards 0
double deltapitch = FMath::FindDeltaAngleDegrees(rot.Pitch, desiredrot.Pitch);
double deltayaw = FMath::FindDeltaAngleDegrees(rot.Yaw, desiredrot.Yaw);
double deltaroll = FMath::FindDeltaAngleDegrees(rot.Roll, desiredrot.Roll);
testpitch = testpitch <= 0.0 ?
FMath::Min(FMath::Abs(deltapitch), angularacceleration.Pitch) * FMath::Sign(deltapitch) :
FMath::FixedTurn(angularvelocity.Pitch, 0.0, angularacceleration.Pitch);
testyaw = testyaw <= 0.0 ?
FMath::Min(FMath::Abs(deltayaw), angularacceleration.Yaw) * FMath::Sign(deltayaw) :
FMath::FixedTurn(angularvelocity.Yaw, 0.0, angularacceleration.Yaw);
testroll = testroll <= 0.0 ?
FMath::Min(FMath::Abs(deltaroll), angularacceleration.Roll) * FMath::Sign(deltaroll) :
FMath::FixedTurn(angularvelocity.Roll, 0.0, angularacceleration.Roll);
velocities[i].AngularVelocity = FRotator(testpitch, testyaw, testroll);
In a later processor I do collision and find walkable floors etc and set the new transform on the actor and in my entity data. This seemed like an appropriate place to rotate too. Commented out sections kept in to show the sort of things I’ve tried. I don’t think I really get quaternion composition and multiplication yet.
/*FQuat rotationquat = testtransform.GetRotation();
FQuat pitchquat = FQuat(FVector::UpVector, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity.Pitch));
FQuat yawquat = FQuat(FVector::ForwardVector, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity.Yaw));
FQuat rollquat = FQuat(FVector::RightVector, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity.Roll));*/
FQuat rotationquat = testtransform.GetRotation();
FQuat yawquat = FQuat(FVector::UpVector, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity.Yaw));
FRotator yawrotator = yawquat.Rotator();//yaw
FQuat rollquat = FQuat(FVector::BackwardVector, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity.Roll));
FRotator rollrotator = rollquat.Rotator();//roll, swap
FQuat pitchquat = FQuat(FVector::LeftVector, FMath::DegreesToRadians(AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity.Pitch));
FRotator pitchrotator = pitchquat.Rotator();//pitch, swap
/*rotationquat *= pitchquat;
rotationquat *= yawquat;
rotationquat *= rollquat;
rotationquat = pitchquat * rotationquat;
rotationquat = yawquat * rotationquat;
rotationquat = rollquat * rotationquat;
//FRotator rot = rotationquat.Rotator();
//FRotator newrot = rot + AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity;
//FQuat newquat = newrot.Quaternion();
//testtransform.SetRotation((testtransform.GetRotation().Rotator() + AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.AngularVelocity).Quaternion());
testtransform = AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].simroot->GetComponentTransform();
AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].simroot->ComponentVelocity = AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.Velocity;
AirMoveCommitsThisFrame[i].movefragment.CurrentTransform = testtransform;
Any pointers on how to get this to work would be greatly appreciated. Both with how to actually apply the angular velocity and how to apply acceleration and decelleration on the angular velocity over time by arbitrary rates per axis.