Having trouble with World->SpawnActor argument

I’m trying to write a generic function that, when handed an Actor (or a child class/blueprint thereof), will spawn that actor at some arbitrary location:

AActor* USpawnManager::SpawnActor(AActor* ActorToSpawn, FVector SpawnLocation){
	if (World != nullptr && ActorToSpawn != nullptr){
		AActor* tempActor = World->SpawnActor(ActorToSpawn, &SpawnLocation);
		return tempActor;
	return nullptr;

This looks right to me, but it throws an error which makes me assume my syntax is wrong: "‘AActor *UWorld::SpawnActor(UClass *,const FTransform *,const FActorSpawnParameters &)’ : cannot convert argument 1 from ‘AActor *’ to ‘UClass *’ ". This makes it seem like it wants a uclass instead of an actor, but if I try giving it something like Cast(ActorToSpawn), the entire program crashes. Am I making an obvious mistake, or is GetWorld()->SpawnActor not the right way to be spawning actors in the first place?

Instead of

AActor* ActorToSpawn


TSubclassOf<AActor> ActorToSpawn

That does the trick perfectly!! Thank you very much :slight_smile: