For example, the host can not place a tower (client can), when client places tower - host can not see the new tower, (the minimap and client can see the new tower). Host can not open chat (client can).
I would have thought the host would have more permissions than the client, not less ?
Nobody helps you because we really don’t have enough information and are generally tired to ask for stuff people should provide without being asked.
I know what you did wrong: Your replication/RPC stuff is wrong. The client should always informa the server about stuff it wants to do and the server does it. You might have messed up the RPC settings on your events.
But that does not help you, does it? You need to provide more (eg blueprint screenshots).
That’s normally not possible inside of a widget, because a widget should only exist on the clients. You have no Server version of this.
Calling “GetPlayerController0” will always get the Client Controller (and a Server also has a client Controller). You may want to check if it is really failing, because for now, you only triggered the break point. Put the breakpoint on the “OnNewMessage” or put a print string behind “Cast Fails” to check if it really fails.
Oh I didnt know servers wernt allowed to use widget codes, thanks! But then how do I go about making the server use the same things o_O
Would get owning controller fix that ?
I did, i put a print text at cast failed and it did fail.