Having Trouble with the Capsule size after I Play a Montage

Hi there!

I implemented the Slide mechanic from this tutorial (Blueprints pictured) :

which works great. I then implemented a Mantle mechanic from this tutorial:

which also works great.

However, if I perform the Slide, and then attempt to Mantle, the Mantle bugs out and the character’s hands plant above the ground (pictured). If I then perform a Crouch (using the simple crouch system, pictured) it seems to reset and the Mantle works fine again. Or if I go straight from Node 4 (SET “can slide?”) to Play Anim Montage then it works but the capsule (obviously) doesn’t resize.

Can anyone help shed some light on my issue. I am perhaps quite clearly an absolute beginner and apologise if I’m not explaining my quandry well enough.