I was able to fix the problems I was having with plugins not being found or dx12 by updating my graphics driver and such.
I installed the Houdini plug-in and give me a couple hours until I replaced or copied rather, the file zip extracted into the folder said to. I’m having trouble getting past the UE 5 black screen with instructions to start.
Following the guide but my Houdini plug-in does not seem to operate the way it’s describing is some other application. I don’t know if I don’t correctly or fully understand Houdini which I actually really don’t but any help would be appreciated. Just to clarify I was able to open the city example and a project with it. Houdini or run away and the plugin is enabled with the correct location directory. And I started the Houdini I forgot if it was quote server but the top button on that Houdini bar. And I’m having trouble finding where this guy is leading cuz I don’t have some separate Houdini application. I’d appreciate any help I’m trying to do something for my son. We’re trying to get this city the small City to be exact, and kind of do our own like project. Thank you and yes I am a beginner but I am a fast learner and I got this far by reading forums but I have hit a wall.