Having trouble with building item that can heal others on click when used

I’m having trouble with a particular item effect. Blueprints below. Right now when I use an item, it gets deleted and an actor is spawned which does the effect.

However, I can’t seem to get it to work how I want. When I use the item, I want it to wait for my next click on a specific “MarineMesh” object and apply the effect to that pawn. I have all of the logic coded, however I can’t seem to work out how to get the mouse input to work.

Here is my consume item logic.

And here is my item effect logic.

Now, if the right click event was triggered it would all work, however obviously since this Item Effect Actor is not my player controller it can’t trigger a right click event.

Though My right and left clicks will be binded to other functions. So do I need to have a specific “Use” key input? and then bind this function to my characters “Use key”? This seems like overkill because I only want the click event to have this effect in very rare circumstances (after using a medkit item).

I also need this effect for other items, for example a sentry gun I would like players to be able to click on in their inventory and then click out into the world to place. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction? All the solutions I’ve found simply add the click functionality to the player controller, which isn’t the right solution for an item.

Obviously I can simply apply the item effect to the actor within a sphere overlap, or randomly place the sentry around the character but I feel this detracts from the experience and also ease of use.