Having trouble with a collision bug

Good evening, i’m doing a school project and at some point my character camera started to rattle, but only in certain zone of my landscape.
I’ve tried:

-deleting some meshes
-deleting and readding landscape

  • swaping character blueprints

here is a video of the problem:

Try looking at your level in player collision mode:

already tried, aparently nothing is there

i’ts a simple capsule collision

Is your player character’s collision mesh a complex mesh or a series of capsules?

It looks like the distance from your camera is set to a static distance from the root of your player character. When your character moves away from its root, it gets closer to camera since the camera doesn’t move.

That kind of jitter is the same kind of jitter I get when objects are trying to solve an interpenetration issue. I wonder, what is the collision mesh for your ground?

it’s a kind of complex collision i think, since its a landscape type

Found the solution, there was an asset which collision was not defined correctly, i couldn’t see it because, its only visible in an specific angle