Having trouble getting strings from a string table

Hi there,

Apologies, I’m still pretty new to scripting so I might be going about this entirely wrong.

My goal is to have a string table with characters or integers as the keys, so that I can generate a random key and reference the string at that location in the table.

This is the current setup I’m using along with a temporary string table for example:

However, I’m not seeing any results printed to screen when pressing F.

Manually inputting a string into the “Parse into Array” node’s source string does seem to work as expected, which leads me to believe the “Get String Table Entry” node is incorrect?

(Though, a hyphen is maybe not the best delimiter)

Could anyone help point out what I’ve done wrong here?

Many thanks in advance!

Hi CresseyLazuli,

The “TableID” is the fully qualified name of the table - so for example, if your StringTable is in the root of your project, the ID would be “/Game/RefStringTable.RefStringTable”


That’s perfect, thank you very much for your help!