I’m having some issues with unreal editor and C++. I’ll try to explain as much as I can.
I started using unreal engine recently because it’s easier to use than some of the other so called professional engine…and I was doing kind of well, but, right now I’ve hit a road bump. I’m using C++ to create a first person game called About A Girl. It’s a 3D puzzler. I’m following this tutorial:
I don’t know why it says that. But if I comment those out and compile and run the engine, it runs fine, but as soon as I click the custom class AAGCharacter, visual studio gives and access violation as in this image:
I didn’t even need to click it apparently…just does it automatically…sigh. If anyone could help me out, i’d appreciate it. I wonder if I’m the only one with this many problems programming…
Comment out everything not just the bindings (and also in the header). It basically is saying that UInputCompenent* InputComponent is looking for Bind Axis and since you are having this function still available and interacting or pushing a button it will go into that function.
I don’t get it, if I run the engine from outside visual studio, it crashes. Is it something wrong with my PC? or is the engine just broken at the moment? I’m using 4.6.1
Well, I guess I was following an old tutorial on the subject, it really should be updated. Let me try doing it the way you said and get back to you. Sorry it took so long to respond.