Resolution is good enough, but it has no relation to the floor piece. They are 2 different actors.
Just out of curiosity could you clarify the following things for me:
- Do you still experience the issue if you replace your structure(just the crypt, without land mesh) with a roughly corresponding blockout made of default UE4 cube meshes?
- What happens if you place abovementioned blockout in a new default level with a skylight added ?
- What about testing your crypt meshes in a new default level with a skylight added?
I made floor mesh double sided in the actor’s Lightmass settings - no effect.
Added another mesh (statue from IB) inside the room - it gets as dark as walls / ceiling, floor is still not shadowed properly.
Sky Light is the issue. I disabled it - floor gets proper shadowing.
Which quality level are you building lighting at?
Usually Preview, but when I saw this problem I tried Production quality and got exactly the same issue - floor is lit/shadowed as if there are no walls/ceiling around it.
Are the wall/ceiling one-sided? Do they cast shadows for dynamic lights? What happens if you make them cast shadows as two-sided?
What settings are different between the floor and the walls?
No Sky Light:
With Sky Light:
Walls are manifold (“watertight”) meshes, ceiling is a BSP brush converted to static mesh. Floor is non-manifold mesh.
Like I said, I turned on Use two-sided Lighting option on the floor actor - it didn’t change lighting on it.
Walls and floor are Infinity Blade assets, I didn’t mess with it (tweaked materials a bit, but nothing that would change lighting on them).
The floor being two-sided probably isn’t important. I would turn that off.
If the walls and ceilings are manifold, then I can’t think of anything else to try than what’s in this thread.
The Skylight is a bit wonky for me too, but in the other way – it doesn’t fill in certain dark shadows on my terrain.
That’s not the same as your problem, though :-/
Ha, I made floor mesh smaller, to be completely enclosed inside the room:
And it looks almost right.
This is just plain wrong and I think Sky Light is borked.
That is definitely project / model specific issue.
How did you figure that ? It looks more like Sky Light issue, since you can see that without Sky Light shadows / lighting bakes properly (although not as pretty as with Sky Light)
I wonder if it’s possible to get nice lighting without using Sky Light.
Created a blockout, roughly similar to yours in a fresh project. It baked correctly and lighting inside the room was totally as expected.
If I migrate my project into a new one, I still have the same results.
[MENTION=4894]Tim Hobson[/MENTION]
Any ideas by chance?
I assume you are using mobile project preset. Perhaps you should rule out the issue step by step. Start by bringing only the crypt into a fresh level.
Yes, mobile and scalable.
I already figured out that Sky Light is the issue. Floor mesh was replaced with cube mesh and BSP and the issue is still there.
Have you set up the UVs in your modelling program properly and with enough resolution set? Just a thought.
Unlikely. To be fair, most Arch Viz projects done in UE4 are proving that Skylight and static light do tag along quite nicely.