Having issues with c++ FPS tutorial

Hello everyone, I’m using Unreal Engine 5.3 and I’m trying to follow the tutorial here: first-person-shooter-tutorial-in-unreal-engine

So far it’s a smooth ride with a few minor hiccups (for instance, the FPSProjectGameModeBase.cpp and .h files aren’t generated when you start with a blank c++ project but I’ve managed to resolve those via this forum post). I’ve managed to add an onscreen debug message when playing in the editor!

But I’ve come to a point where I’m a bit stuck.

Im at the Implementing your own character part:

and the guide mentions adding another onscreendebug message to verify we’re using the project specific character we just created and I cant seem to get this specific message to popup! In other words I’m apparently not using the character pawn I created and I can’t seem to figure out why.

Here is my GeeGeeGameModeBase.cpp which succesfully prints an onscreendebugmessage:

And here is my GeeGeeCharacter which does NOT print a debugmessage:

I’ve created blueprints for the gamemode and character as the tutorial explained:

And I’ve set them both under project settings as per the tutorial:

And again, the debugmessage from the gamemode works perfectly fine, but for some reason the character/pawn one does not…

Does anyone know what I missed/doing wrong?