I’m using Host, Client Co-op game logic. to create and join lobby.
Problem is When I’m trying to Create Lobby to join “World Partition Level” Player is getting self Kicked Out Instantly.
Inside Editor Everything Works Perfect.
Here’s Clip:
Don’t use “OpenLevelByName” node to open Level
Always use “OpenLevelByObjectReference” node to open level it will solve issue.
it’s weird issue.
Credit Solution Recommended by https://www.youtube.com/@KazeOfKami
Here’s more things i Found Helpful to setup Multiplayer with World Partition
Don’t use “OpenLevelByName” node to open Level
Always use “OpenLevelByObjectReference” node to open level it will solve issue.
it’s weird issue.
Add “WorldPartitionStreamingSource” in your player controller it will always load tiles around your player.
From world Setting Set your desired Cell Size & Loading Range
Set “Server Streaming Mode” to = “Enabled”. It will Only Load Tiles around server and client.
Simply it will only load tiles around player.
If it’s “disabled” then Server will always Load whole Level which is bad for Co-op.
Always test World Partition in Packaged Build. Since You will not able to see real problems in Editor.
If this is Helpful.
or follow:
Thank you, this was very helpful
Hey so I enabled Server Streaming Mode but I still get horrible fps with world partition & co op