Having difficulties with the IKRetargeter UE5

Greetings fellas!

I have been playing around with the new retargeting system in UE5, needing to retarget some animations. So I have gone into the process of creating the chains

Source skeleton

then I created the chains for the target skeleton

then set the retarget root in both skeletons target and source like below


then I would create the retargeter to get to this point


Everything is so great until I get into the AnimBP This is what happens


So I thought I should go back to UE4 and check what would happen there to the same exact skeleton

I went through the process to retarget animation in UE4 and everything worked so well!

its either I am missing some steps or there some sort of bug happening through my process.

Appriciate the help!

Update #1

It seems like some of my anim functions are effecting the character so basically its not the retarget process that is wrong, note also in UE4 I had the same functions when retargetting so whats missing here :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :face_with_monocle:

the two bone IK I used to keep the hands where they are supposed to be but weird that retargeted animation wouldnt pick up the correct effector target location

Here is my reasonings

When retargeting, you also need to retarget the virtual bones, meaning you need to create the vb bones on the target skeleton before exporting animations. I am still not positive but I tested this theory and something different happening

also this is the animation that was targeted using UE4 and migrated to UE5 project it works fine


#Update 3

seems like something related to control rig and virtual bones. now my process to avoid procedural animation for aiming is create two virtual bones under head and using two bone IK in the animation, seems like when retargeting or even animating using control rig everything breaks meaning if I am not stupid ( when retargeting or animating I shouldn’t have the virtual bones) OR finding a way to include these virtual bones in the control rig! so I am stuck at finding the exact problem

so what I did is create controls for the vb and parent them to hands it worked in one animation and never again!



could this actully be just some bug and control rig isnt stable or am I just failing to know how to work with it :joy: this is turning to rather a blog post than a question sorry :upside_down_face:

so I have been trying to fix this in everyway possible, I am not sure of what step fixed it BUT! here is what I had to go thro in order to catch the issue

1-I have reimported the animations again
2- went through the retargeting prcoess
3- removed previous control rig I created and created the whole control rig from scratch
4- retargeted the animations again
now I am not saying control rig has to do anything with the retargeting process but yeah actually retargeting works for me now.

so it has to be something happened while either importing animations or my process of creating ik targets 100% something wrong I have done from my side, all I can say is if you are running into this problem just redo the whole process from scratch, if still have an issue, try to edit pose and reset it and retarget again, check your chain there is high chance you have just missed up

Here’s a quicker solution for me at least in UE5 5.1. Uncheck “Allow Frame Stripping” in your affected animation