i was following this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja-C9VcNyKw&t=163s and i bumped into an issue where my character arms just stay stationary after doing the anim montage and the phone is not moving together with animation even though i have socket set i add video of what it looks like , the goal is to do animation to pull out that phone and after putting it away i want to be able to walk normally with arms swinging like it was before taking phone out, and be able to walk normally while doing that animation
VIDEO WeTransfer - Send Large Files & Share Photos Online - Up to 2GB Free (it did not fit in this post )
im stuck at this for a few days please help
hi,could you post a short video showing the problem?you could record a partial of the screen so it’s size can be smaller(less then 30 mb).
2024-05-13 00-43-08.mkv (41.3 MB)
2024-05-13 00-49-27.mkv (31.1 MB)
2024-05-13 00-51-15.mkv (21.4 MB)
Here i hope these videos work
okay.and where do you spawn & attach the phone? Could you post the screenshot of the blueprint?
Tips:next time you could choose to upload a video ,not a file…
Well,that was you . You have set up a layer blend per bone!thats a great step.
And here you could check on this:
I don’t have animations.just used random stuff for the montage.
and check the montage settings
If you don’t tap that option on.it will stuck on last frame pose.
To Improve more:
I suggest to search tutorials about animation notify.
thank you very much that is a very detailed info , ill try this when im home from work and let you know btw maybe you doing coaching or something beacause i really love info this detailed
i just tried doing that i see you use this node
im using a seperate BP for phone , should i just add static mesh of the phone to the BP where it spawns the phone and just use the same node. But if i do that will i be able to interact the phone and put UI widgets on it if ill use the static mesh ?
This is how you can get that node:
It’s the phone’s variable.we basically are asking if the phone exists.valid means it exists,not valid is the opposite.
the phone is another BP now,it’s similar to your original set up.you could also redo it make the phone a component of the character.but we had gone this far.it’s better not to redo .
also,if it’s practice purpose.you could try both methods for more experiences .
im starting to feel bad asking but i did everything you showed me tried to experiment without smooth blend out and with it but cant figure out 2 things how to make phone raise animation to freeze at the last frame till i click again that button and then play the phoneaway anim, maybe the thing you mention animation notify will solve that issue ill look into it but another thing is if i click button T slow like 1 click every 2-3 secs the phone doesnt spawn and animation feels wrong but when i click that button twice phone spawns and animation looks better here is the video
Feel free to ask.
you can disable the “auto blend out” option for the take out montage,so it keeps the last frame pose holding the phone.
and make sure the spawn option is set to ignore collision always spawn:
turn off phone collision:
I think i did everything as you told me but something isn’t right , its still acting weird i have to click T twice for phone to spawn , and animations dont work like in the video you sent for me as you can see when its holding the phone and i click T again to play the anim to put the phone away it just does the take phone out animation .
Forgot to include in the video but i set phone collisions to no collision.
EDIT: after changing to On Completed for RaisePhone montage
it looks like this
That’s odd.
from what I can see from the video,it seems play put away anim the first time you press the key.
make sure the Boolean is false by default:
Put the blueprint window aside,play the game and choose the character,then we could see how the line goes when pressing the key.
If the Boolean is false,the first time it will play take phone out animation.
and your socket is added to wrong place:
it’s on IK hand.IK bones are not real bones on the body,choose another bone.
you could show all bones so that you can find the bone easily:
yippee i tried that debug thing to see nodes that are active and it helped to solve the issue, weird enough i had to make variable phoneraise default as True and swap tick marks places
on set variable idk why tho but it worked thank you a lot, what would you recommend looking at to make phone UI work a few buttons to click while holding the phone or some menus ? because the phone will be main aspect in the game im trying to make.
hmm…i don’t have much experence making a phone Ui.not sure the style.i guess there should be some tutorials on youtube…i didn’t pay attention though…